





Euro (EUR)




131,960 km² (50,949 sq mi)

Attractions to visit in Greece

Unveiling the Wonders of Greece: Your Ultimate Travel Guide

Greece, a country where the sun-bleached ruins meet the azure skies, and the balmy Aegean Sea laps against an endless coastline, is a dream destination for many. As a travel journalist, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring this Mediterranean paradise, and I’m thrilled to share with you the first part of our comprehensive “Travel Guide Greece.”

Why Choose Greece for Your Next Vacation?

Greece, a country steeped in history and adorned with natural beauty, offers an unparalleled travel experience. From the ancient ruins in Athens to the pristine beaches of the Greek Islands, Greece is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or a beach lover, Greece has something to offer for every type of traveler.

The country’s rich history is evident in its well-preserved archaeological sites. The Acropolis in Athens, the Palace of Knossos in Crete, and the ancient city of Mystras are just a few examples of the historical treasures that Greece houses. These sites offer a glimpse into the country’s glorious past and its significant contribution to Western civilization.

But Greece is not just about ancient ruins. Its natural beauty is equally captivating. The country’s diverse landscape, characterized by rugged mountains, idyllic islands, and lush vineyards, is a visual treat. The Greek Islands, known for their stunning beaches and charming villages, are a must-visit for nature and beach lovers.

Greek cuisine, another highlight of the country, is a gastronomic delight. Known for its simplicity and the use of fresh ingredients, Greek food is a culinary experience you don’t want to miss. From the famous Greek salad to the delicious moussaka, the country’s cuisine is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

Moreover, the locals’ warmth and hospitality make your travel experience in Greece even more enjoyable. Greeks are known for their philoxenia, a term that translates to “love for strangers.” As a visitor, you’ll feel welcomed and embraced in this beautiful country.

In conclusion, Greece is a country that captivates you with its rich history, mesmerizes you with its natural beauty, delights you with its cuisine, and wins you over with its hospitality. Whether you’re planning a solo trip, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation, Greece promises an unforgettable travel experience. Stay tuned for the next part of our “Travel Guide Greece,” where we’ll delve into the practical aspects of planning your trip to this Mediterranean paradise.

A Comprehensive Guide to Planning Your Trip

Embarking on a journey to Greece is akin to stepping into a time machine that takes you back to the cradle of Western civilization while simultaneously offering the comforts and luxuries of the modern world. As we continue our “Travel Guide Greece” series, let’s delve into the practical aspects of planning your Greek vacation.

When is the Best Time to Visit Greece?

Greece, with its Mediterranean climate, is a year-round destination. However, the best time to visit largely depends on your preferences. If you’re a sun-seeker, the summer months from June to August offer long sunny days, perfect for beach hopping and island exploration. However, these months also see a surge in tourism, leading to crowded attractions and higher prices.

For those interested in sightseeing and outdoor activities like hiking, the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and fall (September to November) provide pleasant weather and fewer crowds. Winter in Greece is mild compared to other European countries, making it an ideal time for city tours and exploring archaeological sites.

Understanding Visa Requirements for Greece

Greece, being a part of the Schengen Area, follows the Schengen visa policy. Visitors from many countries, including the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK, can stay in Greece for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. However, it’s always advisable to check the latest visa requirements based on your nationality before planning your trip.

Budgeting for Your Trip to Greece

Greece offers a range of experiences to suit various budgets. While it’s possible to enjoy a budget-friendly trip by opting for public transportation, eating at local tavernas, and staying in budget accommodations, Greece also offers luxurious experiences with high-end resorts, gourmet dining, and private tours.

On average, a mid-range traveler can expect to spend around €50-€100 per day, excluding accommodation. This includes meals, transportation, and entrance fees to attractions. Keep in mind that prices can vary significantly depending on the season and the region.

Getting Around in Greece

Greece boasts an extensive transportation network, making it easy for travelers to get around. In cities like Athens, public transportation options such as metro, buses, and trams are efficient and affordable. For island hopping, ferries are the most common mode of transportation. Car rentals are also available for those who prefer the flexibility of self-driving.

Traveling with Kids in Greece

Greece is a family-friendly destination with plenty of attractions and activities for kids. From historical sites that bring ancient myths to life to beautiful beaches perfect for relaxation and water sports, Greece ensures a fun-filled vacation for the entire family. Moreover, Greeks love children, and families will find a warm welcome wherever they go.

Zakynthos Greece

Must-Visit Places in Greece

In this installment of our comprehensive “Travel Guide Greece” series, we invite you to embark on an Aegean odyssey to explore the must-visit places in Greece. From the ancient ruins of Athens to the idyllic islands of the Aegean Sea, Greece is a country that promises a wealth of unforgettable experiences.

Athens: The Heart of Ancient Greece

No trip to Greece would be complete without a visit to Athens, the country’s vibrant capital. The city is a fascinating blend of ancient and modern, where historic ruins stand amidst bustling city life. The crown jewel of Athens is undoubtedly the Acropolis, a hilltop citadel that houses several ancient buildings, including the iconic Parthenon. Nearby, the Acropolis Museum houses countless artifacts from the site.

Crete: The Largest Island in Greece

Next on our journey is Crete, the largest island in Greece. Known for its diverse landscapes and rich history, Crete offers something for everyone. The island’s main attraction is the Palace of Knossos, an archaeological site that was once the center of the Minoan civilization.

Mystras: The Wonder of the Peloponnese

Located in the Peloponnese, Mystras is a fortified town that was once the capital of the Byzantine Despotate of the Morea. Today, the town’s ruins, including palaces, churches, and monasteries, offer a glimpse into its glorious past.

Ancient Mycenae: Home of the Legendary King Agamemnon

Another must-visit site in the Peloponnese is Ancient Mycenae, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Known for its legendary King Agamemnon, who played a significant role in the Trojan War, Mycenae is a testament to the grandeur of the Mycenaean civilization.

Delphi: The Ancient Center of the World

Delphi, once considered the center of the world in ancient Greek mythology, is a site of immense historical and archaeological significance. The Sanctuary of Apollo, the ancient theater, and the Delphi Archaeological Museum are among the site’s highlights.

Olympia: The Birthplace of the Olympic Games

Our journey continues to Olympia, the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games. Visitors can explore the ancient stadium, the Temple of Zeus, and the Olympia Archaeological Museum.

Delos: The Mythical Birthplace of Apollo and Artemis

Our final stop is the island of Delos, the mythical birthplace of the twin gods Apollo and Artemis. This uninhabited island is one of Greece’s most important archaeological sites.

A Gastronomic Odyssey: Exploring Greek Cuisine

In this chapter of our “Travel Guide Greece” series, we invite you to join us on a gastronomic odyssey through the vibrant world of Greek cuisine. Renowned for its robust flavors, fresh ingredients, and rich history, Greek food is a culinary experience that goes beyond mere sustenance—it’s a celebration of life itself.

The Essence of Greek Cuisine

At the heart of Greek cuisine lies a philosophy of simplicity and freshness. Greek cooking is all about fresh, locally-sourced ingredients—ripe tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, succulent olives, fresh fish, and high-quality meats. These ingredients are often simply prepared, allowing their natural flavors to shine through.

Greek cuisine is also characterized by its use of olive oil, a staple in nearly every dish. From salads to stews, olive oil is used generously, not just for its flavor, but also for its numerous health benefits. Herbs and spices, such as oregano, thyme, mint, and cinnamon, are also used extensively, adding depth and complexity to the dishes.

Must-Try Dishes in Greece

While Greek cuisine offers a wide array of dishes, there are a few that stand out as must-try for any visitor. Topping the list is the Greek salad, a refreshing combination of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, olives, and feta cheese, all drizzled with olive oil. This simple yet flavorful salad is a staple in Greek meals and perfectly embodies the essence of Greek cuisine.

Moussaka, another iconic Greek dish, is a hearty casserole made of layered eggplant, minced meat, and a creamy béchamel sauce. This dish is a testament to the Greek love for fresh produce and rich, comforting flavors.

For those with a sweet tooth, baklava is a must-try. This sweet pastry is made of layers of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey. It’s a delightful end to any Greek meal.

The Best Places to Eat in Greece

From bustling food markets in Athens to family-run tavernas in the Greek Islands, Greece offers a variety of dining experiences. For an authentic taste of Greek cuisine, local tavernas are the way to go. These family-run establishments serve home-cooked meals in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Greek Salad

A Deep Dive into Greek Culture and History

As we journey further into our comprehensive “Travel Guide Greece” series, it’s time to immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of Greek culture and history. This vibrant country offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern influences that captivate the hearts of travelers from around the globe.

A Journey Through Time: The History of Greece

Greece’s history is a captivating saga that spans thousands of years. As the cradle of Western civilization, Greece has been the stage for many significant historical events and eras. From the grandeur of the ancient Greek city-states, the birthplace of democracy, philosophy, and the Olympic Games, to the Byzantine era and the modern period, Greece’s history is as diverse as it is long.

The ancient ruins scattered across the country, such as the Acropolis in Athens, the Palace of Knossos in Crete, and the ancient city of Delphi, serve as testament to Greece’s glorious past. Each monument, each stone, tells a story of a time when gods and goddesses were believed to walk the earth, and heroes embarked on epic adventures.

The Vibrancy of Modern Greek Culture

While Greece’s ancient history is fascinating, the vibrancy of its modern culture is equally captivating. Greek culture is a melting pot of Mediterranean influences, characterized by its music, cuisine, and traditional customs.

Music is an integral part of Greek life. From the soulful strains of rembetika, often referred to as the Greek blues, to the lively tunes of traditional folk music and the modern beats of Greek pop, the country’s music scene is diverse and dynamic.

Greek cuisine, known for its use of fresh, local ingredients and flavorful herbs and spices, is a gastronomic delight. Whether it’s a simple Greek salad, a hearty moussaka, or a sweet baklava, Greek food is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

Traditional customs and festivals also play a significant role in Greek culture. From the lively Carnival celebrations to the solemn Holy Week rituals and the numerous name day parties, Greek festivals offer a glimpse into the country’s rich cultural traditions.

Embracing the Greek Way of Life

In essence, to truly experience Greece, one must embrace its history and culture. It’s about walking in the footsteps of ancient philosophers in Athens, savoring a traditional Greek meal in a local taverna, dancing to the rhythm of Greek music, and celebrating life the Greek way. As we continue our “Travel Guide Greece” series, we hope to inspire you to not just visit Greece, but to immerse yourself in its rich cultural tapestry. Stay tuned for our next installment, where we’ll share practical tips for traveling in Greece.

Beach in Greece

Practical Tips for Traveling in Greece

As we continue our journey through our comprehensive “Travel Guide Greece” series, we now turn our attention to some practical tips that will help you navigate your Greek vacation with ease and confidence.

Mastering the Basics of the Greek Language

While English is widely spoken in Greece, especially in tourist areas, learning a few basic Greek phrases can enhance your travel experience. Simple words such as “Yassas” (Hello), “Efharisto” (Thank you), and “Parakalo” (Please) can go a long way in connecting with the locals. Plus, Greeks appreciate it when visitors make an effort to speak their language, even if it’s just a few words.

Staying Safe in Greece

Greece is generally a safe country for travelers. However, like any tourist destination, it’s important to take basic precautions. Keep an eye on your belongings in crowded places, be cautious while crossing roads, and avoid isolated areas at night. In case of emergencies, the national emergency number in Greece is 112.

Understanding Greek Etiquette and Customs

Greeks are known for their hospitality and friendliness, but being aware of local customs and etiquette can help you avoid any cultural faux pas. For instance, when visiting churches or monasteries, modest clothing is expected. Tipping is customary in Greece, with 5-10% being the norm in restaurants. Also, Greeks value social interactions, so don’t be surprised if a casual conversation with a local turns into a long, engaging discussion.

Keeping Healthy During Your Trip

Greece’s Mediterranean climate can get hot, especially in the summer, so it’s important to stay hydrated. Tap water is safe to drink in most parts of Greece, but bottled water is recommended in some islands. Also, don’t forget to pack sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.

Respecting the Environment

Greece’s natural beauty is one of its biggest attractions, and it’s our responsibility as travelers to preserve it. Avoid littering, respect wildlife, and stick to marked trails when hiking. If you’re visiting the beach, avoid taking sand or pebbles as souvenirs, as it’s illegal and harmful to the environment.

In conclusion, traveling in Greece is a rewarding experience, and these practical tips will ensure that your trip is smooth and enjoyable. From mastering a few Greek phrases to understanding local customs, staying safe, keeping healthy, and respecting the environment, these guidelines will help you navigate your Greek adventure with ease. Stay tuned for the next part of our “Travel Guide Greece,” where we’ll delve into the frequently asked questions about traveling in Greece.

Frequently Asked Questions About Traveling in Greece

As we continue our “Travel Guide Greece” series, we now turn to some of the most frequently asked questions about traveling in Greece. From practical concerns to cultural curiosities, these questions reflect the common queries and concerns of travelers, and our aim is to provide you with clear, concise answers to help you plan your Greek odyssey.

Do I Need a Tour Guide in Greece?

The need for a tour guide in Greece largely depends on your personal preferences. If you’re a history enthusiast who wants to delve deep into the country’s rich past, a knowledgeable guide can provide valuable insights that you might not get from guidebooks. However, if you prefer to explore at your own pace, Greece is a relatively easy country to navigate independently, thanks to its well-marked attractions and efficient public transportation.

What is the Current Travel Advisory for Greece?

Travel advisories for Greece, like any other country, can change based on various factors such as political stability, health concerns, and natural disasters. It’s always advisable to check the latest travel advisories from reliable sources like your country’s foreign affairs department or the official Greece tourism website before planning your trip.

Should I Download the Visit Greece App?

The Visit Greece app is a handy tool for travelers. It provides useful information about attractions, transportation, accommodation, and more. It also features an interactive map, making it easier for you to navigate your way around the country. So, yes, downloading the Visit Greece app can enhance your travel experience in Greece.

How Many Days in Greece is Enough?

The number of days you should spend in Greece depends on your interests and what you want to see and do. A week is enough to explore the highlights of Athens and visit one or two islands. However, if you want to explore more of the mainland, visit several islands, or delve deeper into the country’s history and culture, you might want to consider a two-week trip or even longer.

In conclusion, traveling in Greece is a rewarding experience, and having answers to these frequently asked questions can help you plan your trip more effectively. Whether you’re wondering about the need for a tour guide, checking travel advisories, considering the Visit Greece app, or deciding on the length of your stay, these answers should provide a helpful starting point for your travel planning. Stay tuned for the next part of our “Travel Guide Greece,” where we’ll wrap up our series with a recap and some final thoughts on traveling in Greece.


Kim is a passionate traveler hailing from the picturesque country of Denmark. With an insatiable wanderlust and an adventurous spirit, Kim has embarked on countless journeys, exploring the world's diverse landscapes, cultures, and cuisines. Traveling has become a way of life for Kim, offering not only an escape from the routine but also a profound source of inspiration and personal growth.

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